Either my camera or the boys were not cooperating... Milo went to his new home today, and I was trying to get pictures of all 3 of the boys together, well I may have gotten 2 good ones. Crosby & Milo
Below, Baxter was enjoying the new bed I bought my gang.
These look more like mug shots and really don't capture how precious the boys really are. I am not a big fan of posed pics, I don't think they turn out quite as good as when you just take random shots. Here is Baxter & Milo
My attempt at all 3 together, Baxter, Crosby & Milo
Here is percious Milo, he looks just like his mother did at this age.
We have been breeding and raising Cotons since 2003. Raising each litter is a real joy, as each puppy is so unique in their own way. We enjoy showing, meeting new people and seeing old friends at the various shows we attend. Since becoming involved with the breed we have made friends from around the world. Discovering the breed has really been a real joy.
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