Lilly has quite the personality, she doesn't like to be in the xpen, she has so much to do and explore. I tell you I don't know which goes faster her tongue with kisses or her tail. She is absolutely beautiful, her dark eyes, black pigment and coloring all compliment each other. Amy I can tell you this little girl was definitely worth the wait. She is going to be fun, loveable & gorgeous!!
Riley is absolutely precious, being the only boy in this group he is loving it. He has the sweetest disposition, and oh what a smile. His little face is wet in the picture that is why he has red spots. They had their first outing today in the car. They all did very well, but once we got home they were very very sleepy. They napped good and once they were well rested were up and at it. They like their free time out of the xpen to explore, runaround and play. Sassy & Jasmine's puppies play extremely well together.
Awwwww.... they look all wore out. My Lilly is changing so much!!! Her eye patch is already fading! I cant wait to come get her! This time in 2 weeks she will be with me!!! Cant wait.