Charlie, Kayla & Romeo

Romeo is our over night guest, he is the son of Charlie & Kayla, a repeat breeding we will be doing in May. He is 9 months old and a gorgeous boy with a personality to match. Just ask his mom, she adores her Romeo, and that is putting it mildly. He has the sweetest temperment, this is the first time he has been back to Cotton Blossoms and in the bottom picture I think maybe Kayla realizes Romeo is her boy. The pictures were taken outside of course, and it was a very windy day so they are all a bit wind blown.
As a breeder receiving pictures, updates and to actually see one of our babies again is the icing on the cake. Romeo has made himself right at home and is enjoying some play time with our gang.
Awwwwww. The happy family!That is a whole lotta fluffy White... =) How cute! Looks like they are all happy to see each other again!