Sassy's little girl is just gorgeous, her eyes were the first to open and with her rich coloring and her eyes open she is just gorgeous and quite precious. The other 2 just about have their's open completely. I will definitely be taking more pictures to share. I like for the families to name the puppies, it is such a special time for them, so at present the puppies are nameless. I think picking the name is the fun part as well as watching them grow and develop. I know how I am about names, I choose names that appeal to me and ones I think fit the puppy.
Jasmine's girls are doing exceptionally well, they are stong little girls for only being 5 days old. I had to laugh because when I checked in on them they were side by side nursing, tails straight in the air wagging in unison. I guess the milk bar must be quite tasty. Jasmine is in her glory, her last litter was 1.5yrs ago and she had 3 boys, so it is nice to see her have 2 girls this time. I am looking forward to watching them grow, they are nearly identical with their markings and coloring, twins indeed.......