Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Our beautiful puppies in their new homes!
Monday, January 9, 2012
Rudy is 2 wks old!!!

Ahhh who is looking at you, yes that is Little Rudy his eyes opened yesterday. His little blue "littermate" he loves. Rudy is a singleton, we have had experience raising a litter of one. One of the biggest things to worry about is being they have the milkbar to themselves is to not let them get too fat where they can't move. We have added some toys with Rudy so he can cuddle, snuggle manuever over them to help with his strength. He is a very strong boy and really hasn't over eaten at all. He is gaining nicely but not excessively. Oh he is a gorgeous little guy and we care looking forward to watching him grow. This is Alexa's last litter we were hoping for a little girl but we will be watching Rudy closely.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Happy New Year 2012!! Little Rudy is 1 wk old!

Rudy is doing absolutely fabulous, content strong little boy. Nursing well but not over doing it which can always be a worry with a singleton. As you can see he has some company with the added toys, he can cuddle, snuggle or crawl over them for added strength. Alexa is a doting mama who loves her boy dearly.
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