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These girls are something else, they are little bitties, and just beautiful, tail wagging didn't want to sit still for a group pics I was lucky to get these pictures.

Oh what a beautiful little guy, he just turned 3 wks old, eyes open, beginning to get up and explore his surroundings. He is such a good little content boy.

Girls, girls, girls!! These 3 are precious tiny little girls. They are becoming more active as the days progress, they just turned 3 wks old and have quite the appetite. They had some yummy cereal and LOVED it!!!!

Sassy's little boy will be 2 wks old tomorrow, he is the most content and relaxed little guy. I guess you don't have anything to worry about when you have the milk bar to yourself. His coloring will be fun to watch as he grows.

I couldn't resist more pics of the puppies, such innocence at this age. All are doing well, Jade's becoming more active, interacting with each other and they love to cuddle with each other. Kayla's girls just precious, content as is Sassy's little guy. He is a little beauty.

Sassy's little boy was born Friday night January 7th. Sassy had an easy delivery, unfortunately she had 2 baby boys that did not make it, it is very devastating to lose a puppy as each birth is a pure miracle and gift that we cherish and don't take for granted. May the 2 little boys rest in peace as for some reason they were not meant to be. Sassy is adoring this little guy and he is doing fantastic, enjoying the milkbar all to himself and spending his days cuddled with mama eating and sleeping. She doesn't let him get to far. He is a beautiful content little guy.

Kayla's girls are doing very well, content little girls with full bellies enjoying sweet dreams!